Dear Marquette community,
I am pleased to share that the Board of Trustees at its Dec. 8 meeting endorsed Marquette University’s new strategic plan for 2031: Guided by Mission, Inspired to Change.
This aspirational, actionable plan is the culmination of a yearlong, campuswide process of discernment, exploration and collaborative problem solving, as members of our community came together in a variety of settings to assemble themes, goals, objectives and priorities — all of which lay a solid foundation on which we will spend the coming weeks and months creating measurable, accountable tactics to realize our vision.
I am extremely proud of our faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members for their thoughtful guidance and vision throughout this important endeavor. You challenged yourselves and us as leaders to ensure a plan that is mission-centered, inclusive and inspirational. I can say without reservation that this strategic plan is one that appropriately celebrates who we are as an institution and sets the necessary framework for what we aspire to be.
I plan to share details about the implementation plan at my 10th Presidential Address on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024, at 3 p.m. in the AMU Monaghan Ballrooms. I hope to see many of you there.
I want to extend a heartfelt and enthusiastic thank you to all the members of the Strategic Planning Core Team and its cross-campus volunteer group. Our aims and our timeline were bold, and you rose to the occasion with professionalism and collegiality. I also want to recognize Dr. Jeanne Hossenlopp, vice president for research and innovation, for her tremendous leadership of the Core Team — she was a true driving force who showed courageous authenticity as she managed a complex process with critical outcomes.
Lastly, as you read through Guided by Mission, Inspired to Change and consider how we as an institution and a community will approach 2031 — our university’s 150th anniversary — I ask that you reflect on St. Ignatius’ call to “live always with one foot raised” in readiness for service and mission. Indeed, it will be our Jesuit principles that show us the way.
Have a blessed holiday season and thank you for all you do for Marquette University.
Dr. Michael R. Lovell