Arts & Sciences

A look at computer industry trends and the bidirectional effects of Oracle, Nov. 14 

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Colloquium will host a discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Olin 202 on some major industry trends over the years that have influenced database technology, including NOSQL, data warehouse, open source, cybersecurity, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The event will feature Gary Gordhamer, managing principle consultant at Viscosity North America.

Oracle database is credited as one of the first commercial relational databases and is still a leader in the industry 45 years later. How has the industry and specifically Oracle database adapted over the years? What skills are required to stay relevant?

The colloquium will finish with a brief review of Oracle’s newest 23c features and their converged database vision. The presentation will be general enough for non-database professionals, focusing on real-world experiences and not marketing materials. 

More information is available here