In remembrance of Father Majka

A photo of Rev. Frank A. Majka, S.J.
Rev. Frank A. Majka, S.J.

Throughout his life, Rev. Frank A. Majka, S.J. loved to write and put his life experiences to paper to share with others.

In remembrance of Father Majka, who passed away on Thursday at his residence at St. Camillus Jesuit Community, please enjoy a few passages from his essays.

From “Death’s Demise (an Easter story)”:

“The great revelation of Easter is that Jesus has risen and death can no longer rule our individual lives or our world. The reality of death may still frighten us, trying to deceive us into believing it will destroy all we love and hope for.  But the truth is that the Author of Life will have the last word, and death itself will die.”

From his essay, “Why Ignatius Matters (let’s hear it for the guy!)”:

“God’s response to our flawed and sinful world is not to withdraw from it in anger or indifference, but to enter it more deeply and transform it, especially in the person of Jesus Christ. As a result, God can be found anywhere, even in situations that appear undesirable or wrong.  No evil can exclude God’s ability to transform it into something else.” 

From his essay, “A Thought for Epiphany(what the Wise Men found)”:   

“God redefines our understanding of God, and of ourselves, too.  By taking on human nature, God has, in a sense, become ‘humanized.’  Consequently, if we diminish our humanity or anyone else’s—if we fail to love, honor, and care for ourselves or others—then we offend God’s humanity as well.  That’s why Jesus could say that what we do to ourselves or to each other, we do to Him.”