2023 Graduating Senior Survey results and interactive data visualization now available; faculty, staff ‘kudos’ updated

Marquette students continue to report high rates of satisfaction with their education, with 95% of graduating seniors indicating they were satisfied with their undergraduate education, according to the 2023 Graduating Senior Survey. 

The 2023 Graduating Senior Survey, administered in April 2023, investigated graduating seniors’ satisfaction with their academic experience and overall Marquette education, engagement in co-curricular learning experiences, perceived impact of their education on institutional learning outcomes, and plans for the immediate future. The survey had a 42% response rate. 

The executive summary is available here.  

An interactive report that includes 10 years of survey results and allows users to break the results down by college, gender and race/ethnicity is also available here.  

As part of the survey, students responded to the question: “Who is one faculty or staff member who had the greatest positive influence on your Marquette experience?” Responses from the 2018 through 2023 surveys are available here. The comments are organized by the last name of the faculty or staff member mentioned. Read about the amazing work being done to give Marquette undergraduate students a transformative learning experience. 

This survey is a collaboration between the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, the Division of Student Affairs, and the Assessment Director. OIRA will be meeting with groups across campus to discuss these results. 

OIRA regularly posts reports and statistics for the campus community on its website here. For questions about any of these reports or to obtain additional data from institutional surveys, contact Israel Mitchell, Data and Systems Specialist in the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, at israel.mitchell@marquette.edu