A Summer Series Sunrise

The final Ignatian Summer Series event hosted by the Office of Mission and Ministry took place at Atwater Park in Shorewood Thursday morning.

Attendees had the pleasure of watching the sunrise over Lake Michigan while listening to the soft tide wash against the shore, enjoying some breakfast and each other’s company.

Thank you to all who showed up for any of the Ignatian Summer Series events this summer!

  • Rev. Jim Pribek, S.J. read a prayer to the attendees of the Ignatian Summer Series Sunrise event Thursday morning at Atwater Park.

“Prayer at Sunrise” by James Weldon Johnson

O greater Maker of this Thy great sun,

Give me the strength this one day’s race to run,

Fill me with light, fill me with sun-like strength,

Fill me with joy to rob the day its length.

Light from within, light that will outward shine,

Strength to make strong some weaker heart than mine,

Joy to make glad each soul that feels its touch;

Great Father of the sun, I ask this much.