University Staff Senate welcomed newly elected representatives at its latest meeting:
- Tina Aiello, accounts coordinator in the Marquette Spirit Shop
- Dwayne Burtin, director of digital media in the Office of University Relations
- Lizzy Machado, career counselor for graduate students in the Career Services Center
- John Sweeney, director of Recreational Sports
- Rae-Ann Vanek, administrative assistant in the Office of Mission and Ministry
Karli Webster from the Office of International Education will serve as the representative to University Academic Senate.
Leadership positions were also selected for the upcoming academic year:
- Chair — Calley Hostad, multimedia manager in the Diederich College of Communication
- Vice chair — Kirsten Boeh, communication coordinator in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences
- Secretary — Lizzy Machado
- Treasurer — Amber Jensen, business operations and grants management specialist in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences
All staff employees are invited and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings.
The University Staff Senate is a group of elected individuals who represent Marquette University staff so that their views and interests may be considered, alongside those of faculty and students, in the conduct of institutional affairs that affect life in the workplace and in the advancement of the university’s mission.