A representative from TIAA, Marquette’s retirement provider, will be on campus Tuesday, June 13, and Wednesday, June 14, for counseling sessions. Sign up to discuss your retirement income, savings or investments, or to receive other financial guidance. Learn more online.
To register, visit the TIAA website. Click “Schedule,” then log in to your TIAA account. Select a meeting topic, select “In-Person at My Employer,” select “Milwaukee Campus,” and then select a date and time. On-campus counseling sessions take place in AMU 428.
As a reminder, you can always schedule a virtual counseling session with a TIAA representative as well. Click here for instructions.
TIAA also offers live and on-demand webinars. Topics for June include:
- Be a Cyber Hero: Help protect you, your family and your money
- Inside Money: Managing income and debt
- At Your Fingertips: Manage your money from wherever you are
- Start to Finish: Make the move toward long-term financial security
Visit tiaa.org/webinars and log in to your TIAA account to register.
You can track your counseling sessions and webinars as Marquette Wellness Experiences in the My Wellness portal for ten My Wellness points.