Grading made easier: Instructors can now pull D2L grades into CheckMarq

Instructors are now able to load midterm and final grades from their D2L gradebooks into their CheckMarq grade rosters.  

This is done via a new “Retrieve D2L Grades” button on CheckMarq grade roster. More information on this new feature is available online, including necessary guidelines for D2L gradebook setup.  

Instructors must apply a letter-based grade scheme in the D2L gradebook to make the best use of the new feature.  

Learn about grade schemes and more on the Department of Digital Learning’s resources page on D2L Gradebooks. 

Instructors are still required to approve their grade rosters in CheckMarq by the grading deadline. This technical enhancement improves the instructor experience by minimizing manual data entry in CheckMarq.

Instructors may contact the IT Services Help Desk with any questions on the new grade retrieval feature.