The Marquette community is invited to participate in the annual Symposium on Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice on Friday, April 28, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the AMU.
This year’s theme focuses on “Understanding Conflict, Restoring Relationships.” Conflict is a natural part of our lives. But as we aspire to embody a beloved community in which everyone is cared for, respected and cherished, we are called to approach conflict with compassion and empathy – especially for those who may have been pushed to the margins.
This symposium will explore how we can engage conflict while staying in relationship with one another. Throughout the day, you will have opportunities to reflect upon your own understandings of conflict, practice skills for reaching each other across difference, and build the capacity for personal, interpersonal, and institutional transformation.
Lunch will also be provided. Come for all or part of the day as your schedule allows. Register by Friday, April 21.
This event was launched in 2019 and is hosted each year by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. It serves as an “institutional examen” – a time to look inwardly at who we are and who we are called to be. In a dialogic process, we explore discrimination at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality, discuss how we are working to address these issues, and offer a vision for the future of equity and inclusion at Marquette.
For questions, please contact Jacki Black, director for Hispanic initiatives and diversity and inclusion educational programming.