Help Marquette beat Butler in a blood drive competition by donating blood April 11-12 at the AMU

Help Marquette beat Butler University by donating blood on Tuesday, April 11, or Wednesday, April 12, in AMU 157 and 163. 

This new annual tradition pits Marquette against Butler to see which college can collect the most blood and save the most lives for hospital patients. These final two blood drives for this year’s battle are co-sponsored by Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The blood battle concludes on Saturday, April 15.  

Schedule your appointment online or by calling 877-232-4376.  

Earn points for My Wellness by donating blood. Record the event in the My Wellness Portal as an External Wellness Experience for 10 My Wellness Points. 

Donating blood could save a life – and improve yours from Healthy You by UMR 

In January 2022, the Red Cross announced that it is experiencing shortages of blood storage and donations on a scale not seen in a decade.  

Donating blood saves lives. Whether it’s for people injured in accidents, undergoing cancer treatments, battling blood diseases or a number of other reasons, these shortages are causing delays in critical blood transfusions that could mean the difference in life or death.  

Did you know? 

  • A healthy adult can donate a pint of blood with no negative side effects. 
  • After a blood donation, your body will replace any lost fluids within 48 hours and replenish the blood lost within four to eight weeks. 

When donating blood, there is no risk of contracting blood-borne infections or diseases due to the sterilization procedures in place.