Dear Marquette community,
It is my pleasure to provide you with a brief update on the search for the next dean of the School of Dentistry.
The search committee has concluded the first phase of the search process and developed the Opportunity and Challenge Profile for the position. Thank you to everyone who participated in the listening sessions hosted by the search committee this semester and to those who submitted feedback in writing. Your insights were tremendously helpful in the development of the profile, which provides an overview of Marquette and outlines in detail the key opportunities and challenges that the dean of the School of Dentistry will face.
We recently began the second phase of the process of seeking out candidates for this position and anticipate interviewing semi-finalist candidates in mid-May. We invite you to share the position with your professional networks and to direct them to the search site where they can learn about the School of Dentistry and the position. Please also nominate especially promising candidates using this link.
You can find more details about the process on the search website.
If you have any questions during this process, please don’t hesitate to email me at The search committee is committed to a fair, transparent, inclusive process that is clearly communicated to the School of Dentistry and campus communities.
Thank you in advance for your help in this important search.
Dr. Arndt Guentsch
Professor of Periodontics, Chair of the Department of Surgical Sciences, and Chair of School of Dentistry dean search committee