Are you still looking for a Lenten focus? Consider centering your prayers and actions on Ignatian discernment. The Office of Mission and Ministry is offering reading groups during the seasons of Lent and Easter on Sister Elizabeth Liebert’s “The Way of Discernment: Spiritual Practices for Decision Making.” This is a short, practical, lively introduction to Ignatian discernment that is sure to help and inspire you in this most Ignatian of practices during the holy seasons of Lent and Easter.
There will be two weekly sessions available. One group will meet on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and the other will meet on Thursdays at noon. These groups will meet in person with a virtual option. The discussions will begin the week of Sunday, March 5, and continue through the week of Saturday, May 20. A book will be made available to all registered participants.
When registering, please select one of the sessions that best fits your schedule. An Outlook invitation will be sent with the weekly discussion times. You may sign up as an individual through this link, or you can create your own discussion group. If you are interested in creating your own discussion group, please contact Rae-Ann Vanek.
Register online.