National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children is Monday, Jan. 23. Join with thousands around the nation in praying for the legal protection of unborn children, for women experiencing crisis pregnancies and their partners and for the development of a comprehensive social safety net that embodies loving support for children, mothers and families before, during and after delivery.
Mass will be offered on Monday, Jan. 23, at noon at the St. Joan of Arc Chapel.
Students seeking pastoral care, spiritual support or pregnancy resources are encouraged to connect with Campus Ministry by calling (414) 288-6873 or visiting the Campus Ministry office in AMU 236.
Students may also visit one-on-one with a campus minister.
A listing of on-campus and off-campus resources that support pregnant students, biological mothers and fathers, and persons considering adoption are online.
For more information, please contact Steve Blaha, assistant director of Campus Ministry, at (414) 288-6873.