Registration is open for the annual Lenten Retreat in Daily Life, which begins Monday, Feb. 20, and runs through Monday, April 3.
The Lenten Retreat is a unique opportunity — a free, six-week retreat that can be done anywhere. Retreatants commit to 15 minutes of prayer each day and are matched with a spiritual mentor/director who they meet with weekly. This allows each person to have a personal, flexible experience tailored to their hopes and goals. Retreatants can choose to have their spiritual direction meetings in person or online, making this a good opportunity for distance learners, commuters, students abroad or anyone who isn’t on campus often.
The Lenten Retreat in Daily Life also includes a booklet that offers additional guidance and opening and closing prayer services that bookend the retreat. It is an ideal Lenten practice.
Registration is available online until Monday, Feb. 13, or until the retreat reaches capacity. Contact Sara Knutson, assistant director of Campus Ministry, with any questions.