Marquette reminds students to stay alert and be aware of their surroundings while walking around campus and throughout the city. It is important to stay patient and cross streets safely.
Following is a list of pedestrian safety tips to keep in mind:
- Look up from your cellphone when you’re walking
- Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.
- Don’t assume vehicles will stop. Make eye contact with drivers, don’t just look at the vehicle.
- Don’t rely solely on pedestrian signals. Look before you cross the road.
- Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections.
- Obey traffic signals such as WALK/DON’T WALK signs.
- Look left, right and left again before crossing the street.
- Watch for turning vehicles. Make sure the driver sees you and will stop for you.
- Look across ALL lanes you must cross and visually clear each lane before proceeding. Even if one motorist stops, do not assume drivers in other lanes can see you and will stop for you.
- Don’t wear headphones or talk on a cell phone while crossing.
For additional safety tips and information, visit the Marquette University Police Department website.