The Department of Psychology is hosting the 13th annual Diversity in Psychology Conference on Saturday, Oct. 1, at noon in Cramer Hall. Meet professors and their students who are conducting cutting-edge research in diversity-related areas in psychology.
Dr. Kimberly D’Anna-Hernandez, associate professor of pychology in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, will present a keynote address titled “The role of cultural validation on mental health and persistence in Latinx college students.”
There will be a poster session presenting research conducted by faculty and graduate students in the department as well as by attendees from other universities.
Attendees are invited to submit an abstract to be considered for inclusion in the poster session. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place posters.
Learn how to maximize the appeal of your application to a graduate program from a director of clinical training (DCT) with over two decades of experience in graduate training.
Hear from current graduate students who will answer questions about applications, interviews and balancing the rigors of graduate school.
Register online.