‘Women Who Write: A Celebration of Pandemic Publications,’ April 21

An icon graphic representing A Culture of Inclusion from the Beyond Boundries Strategic PlanThe Insitute for Women’s Leadership will gather in Sensenbrenner Hall 304 on Thursday, April 21, at 3:30 p.m. to celebrate women faculty who published books during the pandemic.  

Dr. Melissa Shew, visiting associate professor of philosophy and pandemic book editor, will moderate a panel discussion about works published by:

  • Dr. Lenore Wright, associate professor of interdisciplinary studies and philosophy at Baylor University
  • Dr. Louise Cainkar, professor of social and cultural sciences
  • Dr. Alison Efford, associate professor of history
  • Dr. Heather Hlavka, associate professor of social and cultural sciences
  • Dr. Lezlie Knox, chair and associate professor of history
  • Dr. Amber Wichowsky, associate professor of political science
  • Dr. Kate Ward, assistant professor of theology

The panel will be followed by opportunities to discuss the authors’ work individually with them. There will also be a limited number of copies of the authors’ books given away at the event. 

Registration will take place online.