Marquette is participating in the #listeningchurch project, also known as the worldwide Synod on Synodality, being led by Pope Francis. Catholic communities around the globe are participating in this discernment process guiding the Catholic Church.
The goal of Marquette’s participation in the #listeningchurch project is to welcome students to share with peers and others in the Church what is important to them in life, express their experiences of Church and identify their hopes for the future.
Student reflections will be shared with Pope Francis, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Mission and Ministry and Campus Ministry. Responses will assist both the Catholic Church worldwide and spiritual outreach on campus.
Students are encouraged to anonymously share their experiences of the Catholic Church or Catholic communities whether on campus or beyond via a brief survey. Responses will be accepted until Tuesday, May 10.
For more information on Marquette’s participation in the #listeningchurch project, visit the Campus Ministry website or contact Steve Blaha, assistant director of Campus Ministry.