Ignite will host a free breakfast for dinner buffet on Wednesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the AMU’s Lunda Room.
Dr. Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J., Jesuit regent and psychologist at Creighton University, and author of “The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola,” will present “Ignatian Spirituality and Racial Justice” after dinner at 7:30 p.m.
Ignite offers students an inspiring experience of college community, Catholic faith and prayer truly welcoming to all. If you are looking to connect with new people, explore living a faith that does justice, are interested in trying something new, or just looking to be inspired, come to Ignite.
This event will have limited seating and catering capacity. No RSVP is needed. To view the livestreamed event, visit Ignite’s Instagram page.
For more information, contact Steve Blaha, assistant director of Campus Ministry.