Members of the Marquette community will receive the sacraments of Christian initiation on Sunday, April 24, at 6 p.m. in the Church of the Gesu. Rev. Joseph Laramie, S.J., national director for the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (USA), will preside.
One candidate for full initiation will receive baptism, confirmation and First Eucharist, two candidates will complete their initiation by receiving the sacraments of confirmation and First Eucharist, and one candidate will be received into full communion with the Catholic Church and will receive confirmation and First Eucharist.
These candidates have spent this year growing in Catholic, Christian faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) process sponsored by Campus Ministry.
All members of the Marquette community are invited to attend the Mass and the reception immediately afterward in support of these students. For more information, please contact Steve Blaha, assistant director of Campus Ministry, at 414-288-6873. The reception will take place in Straz Hall’s Brownlee International Atrium.