Register for April 1 symposium ‘We Are ALL Marquette: Telling Our Stories’

An icon graphic representing A Culture of Inclusion from the Beyond Boundries Strategic PlanThe Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion will host the annual Symposium on Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice on Friday, April 1, from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the AMU Ballrooms.

This year’s symposium will focus on the theme, “We are ALL Marquette: Telling our Stories.”  

In an age of division and isolation, narratives have the capacity to cultivate community and connection. Because the stories of those who have been historically marginalized are rarely centered in our communal spaces, listening to and honoring those voices not only builds personal agency and empowerment, but it also has the power of building solidarity and momentum toward a more inclusive and equitable world.

Participants will engage in a “story exchange” facilitated by Narrative4, a global network of educators, students and artists who use art and storytelling to build empathy between students while equipping them to improve their communities and the world.  

In a story exchange, individuals are paired together, and participants share a story that in some way defines them. Afterwards, participants are responsible for telling their partner’s story in the first person. Narrative4’s Marquette student chapter and other certified Narrative4 facilitators will lead participants by providing more context, modeling the story exchange, helping the group build valuable active listening skills and guiding reflection.

Given the expectation of active participation that includes context-building, storytelling and reflection, we ask that participants commit to attending the full program. Lunch will be provided.  

Register online through Eventbrite.

For questions or special needs, please contact University Special Events.