The Department of Language, Literatures, and Cultures will host “Disabilities at the Intersection of History, Culture, Religion, Gender, and Health” conference beginning Friday, March 4. The conference brings together experts working in several fields and in several countries. The sessions will be held in person on Thursday, March 3, from 8:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Raynor Conference Center Beaumier Suite in rooms B/C, and via Teams on Friday, March 4, from 8:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. This event is open to Marquette students and faculty, who will not have to pay, just register, and can drop in to in-person meetings.
Keynote speakers:
- “Disability Studies: Then and Now,” by Lennard Davis, distinguished professor of English, professor of disability and human development and professor of medical education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and director of Project Biocultures.
- “Disabling the Difference: Identity and Policy,” by Brenda Wesley, award-winning advocate and playwright. After serving as the outreach and education director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Greater Milwaukee for fourteen years, she left to start her own mental health consulting agency, Pasch & Wesley.
Register online by Tuesday, March 1.