Faculty and staff to present at Social Development Commission’s 2021 Summit on Poverty  

The Social Development Commission’s 2021 Summit On Poverty is Oct. 19-21 and features six presenters from Marquette: 

  • Dr. Gabriel Velez, assistant professor, educational policy and foundations program coordinator 
  • Dr. Kathy Coffey-Guenther, senior mission and Ignatian leadership specialist, University Advancement 
  • Dr. Christopher Simenz, clinical professor and practicum coordinator for exercise science 
  • Dr. Aleksandra Snowden, director of undergraduate studies and associate professor, social and cultural sciences 
  • Dr. Daniel Bergen, executive director of community engagement, Office of Economic Engagement 
  • Gene Manzanet, executive director of Scaling Wellness in Milwaukee (SWIM) 

Every year, SDC examines poverty from different perspectives. The summit explores new ways to knock down the four barriers that keep people in poverty: trauma, cognitive dissonance, isms and policy and systems. Register to attend virtually or in-person.