Faculty and staff are invited to come together in community with one another in thoughtful reflection and prayer to discuss the impact of the past 18 months on us individually and as a Marquette community. The entire University Leadership Council has been invited and encouraged to participate.
“Finding our Future Together” will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 11. Register via Eventbrite by noon on Aug. 1.
Hosted by the Office of Mission and Ministry, this all-day event will lead us through confidential small-group conversation and large group reflection on what we have experienced and how we hope to move forward. Finding our future together will require that we listen empathetically to the diversity of experiences our community members have to share, even, and especially, when they are different from our own.
If Aug. 11 is a work day for you, please talk with your supervisor as soon as possible to determine whether you can participate in this all-day event. There are allowances in the Employee Handbook for a retreat day, but these should be planned in consultation with your supervisor so as not to hamper the functioning of your unit. Supervisors are encouraged to work with their teams to facilitate attendance.
Refreshments and meals will be provided, concluding with a social hour.