The Athletic and Human Performance Research Center awardees for the Summer Student Research Initiative will present their final posters on Wednesday, July 28, from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams.
Projects this summer were focused on topics related to pediatric health and performance.
To register, contact Mike Haischer, AHPRC research lab manager.
Presentations will feature:
- Emily Anderson with Dr. Paula Papanek | Pediatric Body Composition Protocol
- Stephanie Jansen with Dr. Alex Ng and Dr. Norah Johnson | Development of a Pediatric Physical Function Toolbox: Application to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Jane Layden with Dr. Jenya Iuzzini-Seigel | Identification of Best-Practice Pediatric Communication and Cognitive Assessments
- Sarah Lessila with Michael Danduran | Cardiopulmonary Assessment in the Pediatric and Adolescent Population
- Charlie Rydeski with Michael Danduran | Strength Assessment in the Pediatric and Adolescent Population