Marquette joins MKE Tech Hub; faculty, staff and students can now access tech resources and events

Marquette has joined the MKE Tech Hub Coalition as a community partner.

The MKE Tech Hub brings together companies, entrepreneurs, educators, community organizations and other individuals invested in growing tech talent and innovation in the region. MKE Tech Hub seeks to double the tech talent in the Milwaukee region in order to drive regional economic success, foster tech opportunities, and meet Employers’ growing need for skilled tech talent.

As a community member, Marquette faculty, staff and students now have access to:

  • Participate in member only events:
    • For example, this quarter’s event centered around diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in tech:
      • Data on diversity in tech, nationally and in Milwaukee
      • MKE Tech Hub Coalition’s actions around DEI in tech
      • Member initiatives around DEI
      • Small group discussions
  • Publish key news of regional interest in the MKE Tech Hub newsletter, which is sent to approximately 8,000 individuals
  • Leverage other member benefits, such as upcoming shared talent attraction website
  • Increase opportunities for networking, finding real-world examples of data science in industry and non-profits, and facilitating opportunities for students

The best way to learn more about the MKE Tech Hub and its many offerings is to sign up for the e-newsletter.

With questions about the membership or to learn more, contact Sumathi Thiyagarajan.