Marquette provides University Policies and Procedures (UPPs) for the campus community as a written record of approved and current academic, operational, financial, and business policies and procedures.
Following is an overview of one new and one updated policy — both are available in full on the UPP website.
NEW: UPP 4-27 — Consensual Relationships
Over the past year, a campus committee including representatives of shared governance bodies (University Academic Senate, University Staff Senate, Graduate Student Organization and Marquette University Student Government) worked with the Office of the General Counsel, the Department of Human Resources, the Title IX Office and the Office of the Provost to create a new UPP to address consensual sexual and romantic relationships between people in inherently unequal positions at Marquette University.
This policy’s purpose is to prevent the real or perceived conflicts of interest these relationships can pose that harm not only the participants in the relationship but also those around them. Such policies have become increasingly common at institutions of higher education, including most of Marquette’s AJCU peers.
Specifically, this policy prohibits relationships between employees or affiliates and any student currently enrolled as an undergraduate at the university. It also prohibits relationships between employees or affiliates and graduate students or professional students over whom the employee or affiliate exercises direct authority. This policy also identifies relationships that are permitted with and without a mitigation plan and identifies when an individual must notify the Title IX Coordinator to seek a mitigation plan.
A draft policy was previously presented to University Academic Senate, University Staff Senate and Marquette University Student Government for their review and feedback.
View the policy online. (VPN required.)
UPDATED: UPP 1-21 — Digital Media Design, Development and Maintenance
The following key changes to UPP 1-21 will apply after the new university intranet launches:
- Digital media content that is accessible to the public must be relevant to a public audience
- Digital media content meant for internal audiences must not be accessible to the public
- Definitions for public and internal digital media have been added
Additionally, minor changes to the UPP include updates to processes, contact information and department names. More information about the intranet project is available online.
View the policy online. (VPN required.)
About the Policy Review Committee
The Policy Review Committee is responsible for guiding good practices in university policy governance and to ensure collaboration and consistency in university policy development — the committee does not originate or have final approval for policies. Final approval is by the provost and senior vice president/chief operating officer. The committee reviews proposed and revised UPPs for compliance, policy consistency, clarity, and operational efficiency, and reaches out to stakeholders who may be impacted to secure feedback. The Policy Review Committee includes members from the offices of the Provost, General Counsel, Finance and Human Resources. The Policy Review Committee reviews all UPPs at minimum every five years to determine whether they should continue as UPPs and, if so, whether any additions, deletions or modifications are appropriate.