Office of Economic Engagement to host ‘Tips and Resources to Secure Small Business Funding,’ May 19

The Office of Economic Engagement will host a webinar and discussion session on small business funding on Wednesday, May 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Register online. 

The event will also be hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) research institutes, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in collaboration with Wisconsin’s Center for Technology Commercialization. Wisconsin’s Center for Technology Commercialization provides one-on-one assistance to early-stage emerging technology businesses throughout Wisconsin. Representatives from Marquette, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Medical College of Wisconsin will also be available for breakout sessions on their specific programs and resources. 

Lili Portilla, director of strategic alliances for the NCATS, and Kory Hallett, the program director for NCI Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) will give an overview of the SBIR and answer questions about it as well as its programs and associated resources. 

Those who should attend the event:

  • Academic entrepreneurs 
  • Small biotech and life sciences technology businesses
  • Technology transfer organizations
  • Entrepreneurs from women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses in the 8(a) category

The presentation will include: 

  • An overview of the SBIRand STTR programs as well as other resources available to early-stage researchers and entrepreneurs
  • Best practices and guidance on preparing your SBIRand STTR application
  • Available open SBIR and STTR funding opportunities

After the information and question and answer session, technology transfer leaders from Marquette, Medical College of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide an overview of available resources during breakout sessions. 

After the webinar, prospective applicants in Wisconsin can schedule a 15-minute meeting with either Lili Portilla or Kory Hallett. There will be five slots each for NCATS and NCI. Once your slot is confirmed, we will provide you with a dedicated zoom link to join the individual meeting.  

Contact Sanjana Jethvani, assistant account executive at Ogilvy, to schedule a time slot between 1 p.m. and  2:35 p.m. for an individual meeting. 

With questions, contact Kalpa Vithalani, executive director of technology transfer in the Office of Economic Engagement.