‘First Look Forum: What’s Brewing in MKE?’ is April 21

The Office of Economic Engagement at Marquette, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Foundation and the Medical College of Wisconsin Office of Technology Development are hosting the annual First Look Forum: What’s Brewing in MKE? from 2 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., Wednesday, April 21.  

Opening remarks will be delivered by Marquette President Michael R. Lovell, Dr. Mark Mone, chancellor of UWM, and Dr. John R. Raymond, president and CEO of MCW 

Inventors from Marquette, UWM and MCW will pitch their cutting-edge technologies to a responder panel of investors and business experts, answer questions and receive guidance. 

The forum, which will take place via Zoom, will be moderated by Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council.  

Register for the event is required as soon as possible. Registration is available online