The Stations of the Cross are an ancient tradition in the Catholic Church dating back to the fourth century when Christians went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Like many Catholic traditions, the Stations of the Cross can be rich, deep and meaningful, but at the same time we can lose sight of their significance and how to relate them to our everyday lives.
Campus Ministry will offer three options for praying the Stations of the Cross as the Lenten season comes to a close.
- Friday, March 26, at 3 p.m. | Social Justice Issues
Midnight Run will offer Stations of the Cross related to social justice issues. Tune in via Campus Ministry’s Facebook Live and the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel. - Wednesday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. | Scriptural Stations
Ignite will offer Scriptural Stations of the Cross virtually and in–person. Register online to join in-person at the Chapel of the Holy Family or watch live via @ignitemarquette on Instagram. - Good Friday: Friday, April 1, at 1:15 p.m. | Outdoor Stations of the Cross
There will be outdoor Stations of the Cross outside the AMU by the cross on the western side of building.
With questions, contact Megan Sheehan, social media and web strategist for the Office of Mission and Ministry.