Marquette will offer in-person and virtual options for the fall Sibanye Cape Town program. Both options will provide students with the opportunity to pursue international coursework during the fall 2021 semester and accommodate their level of comfort with travel.
In-person regular semester (with additional COVID-19 protocols) in Cape Town, South Africa
The Sibanye Cape Town program provides an opportunity to learn about community engagement, service and internship opportunities with a community-based non-governmental organization.
Located in cosmopolitan Cape Town, South Africa, the program offers courses at the University of Western Cape and work opportunities with local communities and organizations in areas focused on refugees, youth education, community development, women empowerment, race, socioeconomic or gender inequities, sustainable living and more.
Attend a Sibanye Cape Town info session at the virtual study abroad fair to learn more.
Apply for the in-person Sibanye Cape Town program.
Virtual course enrollment
As an alternative option to the in-person, full semester program, there is also an opportunity for students to enroll in one or two courses concurrently with enrollment at their home institution. Students can choose from either of the 2 required courses – THEOS 3420 or SOWJS 3400. Marquette University is the institution of record, and each course will be offered as 3 Marquette credits.