Donate to the ‘Holiday Giving Tree’ by Dec. 4

The Marquette community is encouraged to participate in this year’s Holiday Giving Tree, which provides gifts for those who might otherwise not receive anything for Christmas.

For the safety of volunteers, families, staff and the Marquette community, the Holiday Giving Tree effort will be held virtually this year.

Individual donations will be used to purchase and ship the requested gifts to the participating nonprofits for distribution to the individuals / families.

Make a donation or write a note of holiday cheer by Friday, Dec. 4. 

Contact Karina Mendozaoffice assistant in the Center for Teaching and Learning, with questions.  

About the Holiday Giving Tree
For more than 30 years, the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee has led the Holiday Giving Tree project, which ensures hundreds of community members feel loved during the holiday season. Since 2018, United Way manages this program, matching nonprofit agency clients with groups and workplaces looking to purchase gifts and spread cheer.