Dear students,
We hope your classes and extra-curriculars are going well. We can hardly believe it’s already October!
We want to thank you all for your cooperation with the various new health and safety guidelines this semester. We know you have changed your normal routines to adapt to this “new normal,” and we hope you know how much we appreciate your willingness and dedication to protect our campus community.
Now that we are officially in the fall season, the weather will only continue to get cooler. Unfortunately, the cooler weather makes opportunities to spend time outdoors more difficult, which presents challenges with respect to COVID-19.
We urge you to avoid gathering indoors in large groups.
COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin are at a record high. We don’t say this to scare you, but we do want students to be aware of the grim realities of this virus. It’s important that we take this situation seriously – mainly our responsibility to protect our fellow Marquette and Milwaukee community members.
If you must get together with a small group of friends or some classmates, we make a plea to all students to please wear a mask and try to maintain at least six feet of physical distance between you and others.
We also encourage you to turn to virtual events when possible. There are many opportunities for virtual get-togethers and socially distant programming on campus. Watch Marquette Today and check MARQUEE for upcoming student events.
Additionally, we want to remind you of the following important COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. By doing your part to slow the spread, you are protecting yourself, protecting others and ultimately helping Marquette continue to be able to offer an in-person experience this semester.
- Call the Medical Clinic to get screened for a free COVID test
If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus or if you received a red “stay home” screen from COVID Cheq, please contact the Marquette University Medical Clinic as soon as possible at (414) 288-7184 to schedule a free COVID-19 test. - If you get tested off-campus, alert the university immediately if you are positive for COVID-19
Any student who is tested off-campus for COVID-19 and receives a positive result must complete the self-disclosure form as soon as you get your results so that proper contract tracing can take place. - Avoid travel over Midterm Break
Per guidance from the CDC and the Wisconsin Health Department, all nonessential travel should be avoided.Wide-based community spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues throughout the United States and many other countries. Travel anywhere outside one’s own current community, domestically or internationally, increases risk of contracting the virus.In order to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus, the university is requesting students stay on campus and do not travel or go home over the upcoming Midterm Break (the weekend of Friday, Oct. 16 – Sunday, Oct. 18).
View more information about travel guidance on Marquette’s COVID website.
- Make sure you are completing COVID Cheq daily
Please continue to make a habit of completing COVID Cheq every day, seven days a week – this includes weekends! It’s important that students complete a daily symptom check including taking your temperature and completing the COVID Cheq screening questions.While it may seem like an inconvenience, we greatly appreciate your cooperation. There are only a few questions and it should only take a few moments to answer them. And by doing the daily screening, you are helping the university with early detection and contact tracing – which ultimately helps reduce the risk of COVID-19 for the entire Marquette community.
If you have questions about using COVID Cheq, please email Please also visit the COVID Cheq webpage for more information and FAQs.
Hopefully this guidance sounds familiar to you. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to follow these guidelines – they really do make a difference in slowing the spread.
Remember, if you witness a member of the university community failing to uphold the standards laid out in the Community Pledge, there is an online reporting mechanism, and students and student organizations found in violation will be referred to the Student Conduct process.
As always, please visit Marquette’s coronavirus website for frequent updates and FAQs.
Thank you for continuing to Be The Difference. Together, we can get through this safely if we each take our responsibility seriously to slow the spread of COVID-19.
We wish you the best of luck on your upcoming midterm exams and papers!
Dr. Xavier A. Cole
Vice President for Student Affairs
Chair, Marquette COVID-19 Response Team
Dr. Stephanie Quade
Dean of Students