College of Nursing to host virtual Wake Lecture, Nov. 10

The College of Nursing’s annual James Wake Memorial Lecture will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

Dr. Joanne Wolfe, MD, MPH, of the Harvard Cancer Center will present “Amplifying the Child and Family Voice in Pediatric Serious Illness.”

Dr. Wolfe will describe a framework for understanding and easing suffering in pediatric serious illness. She will discuss research efforts aimed at amplifying the voices of seriously ill pediatric patients and their families and will report on early outcomes of these novel interventions including their potential application to practice. 

Register via Eventbrite by Monday, Nov. 9, to receive the Teams link.

This lecture is in memory of James Wake, former chaplain and husband of former provost Dr. Madeline Wake. James’ career was devoted to helping others through social work and chaplaincy.