Lead sponsor Ascension Wisconsin joins Marquette in hosting the 5th Annual Community Engagement Symposium, “Deepening Partnerships in Pursuit of Social Justice,” the week of Monday, Nov. 16. All sessions will take place virtually this year due to COVID-19.
The symposium will showcase partnerships, organizations and research initiatives, elevate Marquette’s surrounding communities and their rich assets, and celebrate the relationships that make the university and city stronger. Participants will be invited to consider what it takes to become healthier communities, as we seek solutions to diminish disparities, address inequity, and contend with institutional and systemic racism.
The symposium will consider racial equity, the social determinants of health, mental health and wellness, early education, K-12 education and geographic revitalization — all aiming toward deepening partnerships in the pursuit of social justice.
Watch Marquette Today for more information closer to the event.