Please note that this information only pertains to academic faculty, staff and student employees (e.g. those who work in a college).
With planning underway for the spring 2021 semester, Human Resources has shared the following key dates and actions for academic faculty, staff and student employees (this includes graduate, teaching and research assistants) requesting COVID-19 temporary alternative work arrangements for the spring 2021 semester.
University instruction and operations will continue to follow the campus Recovery Plan. Employees may be seeking new or continued alternative work arrangements due to medical or personal reasons relating to COVID-19.
The university will determine the availability of temporary alternative work arrangements based on college / business needs of the university, and in consideration of the essential functions required for specific jobs / positions.
The deadline to apply for temporary alternative work arrangements is Friday, Sept. 25, 2020.
Please note:
- Requests may or may not be fulfilled as requested.
- Where appropriate, an interactive process with HR (or the Office of Disability Services for student employees) the employee and the employee’s supervisor may determine other options.
- Any arrangements made will be approved for a specified duration and are subject to reassessment to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
See below for specific information related to your reason for requesting a temporary alternative work arrangement:
- Requests due to a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Faculty and staff who were previously approved for a temporary alternative work arrangement for fall 2020 as an accommodation due to a medically documented ADA disability do not need to reapply for an accommodation for the spring 2021 semester.
- HR will work with deans and / or department chairs to confirm the ongoing effectiveness of these arrangements.
- If you no longer require the ADA accommodation, please notify HR by Friday, Sept. 25.
- For any new ADA requests, faculty and staff must complete and submit the Temporary Alternative Work Arrangement Request Form on the HR page.
- You must also complete and submit the Medical Information form on the HR page, which requires medical provider documentation. Your medical information will remain confidential and will not be shared outside of Human Resources.
- Faculty and staff who were previously approved for a temporary alternative work arrangement for fall 2020 as an accommodation due to a medically documented ADA disability do not need to reapply for an accommodation for the spring 2021 semester.
- Requests due to being in a higher risk category or for personal / family reasons
- Those who fall under these categories who would like to request new or continuing temporary alternative work arrangements for the spring 2021 semester must reapply by completing and submitting a new Temporary Alternative Work Arrangement Request Form found on the HR page. If you are seeking an arrangement because you’re in a higher risk category due to medical reasons (other than a disability as defined by the ADA), you must also complete and submit the Medical Information form (also found on the HR page), which requires medical provider documentation.
- Your medical information will remain confidential and will not be shared outside of Human Resources.
- Please note that the CDC recently updated these risk categories.
- If you are seeking an arrangement for personal / family reasons, please note that your request will be forwarded to your dean and / or department chair, who will be able to best determine if / how to match your preference with the needs of your college / department.
- Those who fall under these categories who would like to request new or continuing temporary alternative work arrangements for the spring 2021 semester must reapply by completing and submitting a new Temporary Alternative Work Arrangement Request Form found on the HR page. If you are seeking an arrangement because you’re in a higher risk category due to medical reasons (other than a disability as defined by the ADA), you must also complete and submit the Medical Information form (also found on the HR page), which requires medical provider documentation.
Graduate assistants, teaching assistants and research assistants may request accommodations through the Office of Disability Services by Friday, September 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Follow these steps and learn more.
All requests should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 by 5 p.m.
Spring scheduling decisions will be made based on those requests received by the deadline; the university cannot guarantee consideration of any high risk or personal / family requests received after the Sept. 25 deadline.
With questions about this process or the documentation, contact Human Resources at or (414) 288-7305.