Step 4 Return to Campus Training for employees will be available online, Aug. 17

All employees must complete a mandatory online training before returning to campus.

This only pertains to those who are or will be working on campus. If you are working remotely, you do not need to complete the training.

The training will be available on the COVID-19 website by Monday, Aug. 17, and the Step 4 plan will be released later this week. Watch Marquette Today for more information.

In the meantime, Human Resources will continue to work with the Recovery Team to send training to employees who are returning to campus on or before Aug. 17.

If you have already taken the training in previous steps, you don’t need to take it again — although please familiarize yourself with the updated information as the university continues to move through each step of the Recovery Plan.

Student employees do NOT need to complete the employee training through HR. However, all students will be required to complete an online education module through the Safe Colleges platform. Students received an email about this earlier today; check your Marquette email.

All supervisors (including supervisors of student employees) are responsible for any workplace / department-specific training.