Beyond MU webinar ‘On the Frontlines’ is Aug. 4

Beyond MU: Lifelong Learning will host a webinar titled “On the Frontlines: Doing Journalism that Matters During Turbulent Times” on Tuesday, Aug. 4, from noon to 1 p.m. CT.  

The Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service and the O’Brien Fellowship in Public Service Journalism report on under served communities and expose structural roadblocks to a better world. The webinar will focus on the journalists who are making a difference in our communities. 

The webinar will be moderated by:

  • Ron Smith, Prof St ’05, Grad’ 09, editor for the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service and instructor of practice in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the Diederich College of Communication
  • Dave Umhoefer, director, O’Brien Fellowship in Public Service Journalism, Diederich College of Communication

Panelists include: 

Register via Zoom.