Work from home continues; process in place for phased return to campus in accordance with city guidelines

As communicated previously, remote work extends through at least May 26. If you have been working from home, please do not return to your Marquette office on May 27, unless your supervisor has communicated with you directly about this possibility.

To prepare for the City of Milwaukee’s lifting of stay-at-home restrictions outlined in the city’s Moving Milwaukee Forward order, the Recovery Planning team has developed a phased return to campus process. The university will reopen carefully over the course of the summer, adhering to public health protocols. The goal is to have campus operational for students to return in late August. Each department will work directly with their dean, vice president or vice provost and the Recovery Planning team to determine the appropriate timing for a return to campus, based on the type of work being performed.

As departments return to campus this summer, there will be protocols for social distancing, proper hygiene, masks and visitor policies – appropriate for each phase of the recovery process – that will be shared prior to their return. These protocols will be explained in training provided by Human Resources for each department and shared via Marquette Today, signage and future Town Halls.

Caregivers of immediate family members with COVID-19 can apply for Family Medical Leave. Employees with a disability (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) that may increase their risk of illness due to COVID-19 can submit ADA documentation to Human Resources. Human Resources ensures that the ADA process is fairly administered across campus while being compliant with evolving regulatory guidance (especially related to COVID-19).

Guidance on campus events
All on-campus events remain canceled as we continue to follow guidance from the City of Milwaukee and the Health Department.