Students and instructors were surveyed in spring 2020 to gather feedback on their experiences with the transition to remote instruction in response to COVID-19. As part of the survey, students answered the following question:
“Who is one faculty or staff member who had the greatest positive influence on your experience this semester?”
Responses to this question have been compiled and are available on OIRA’s website. The comments are organized by the last name of the faculty or staff member mentioned. Read about the inspiring work Marquette instructors did in spring 2020 to help students through the transition to remote learning.
In addition, the survey asked about access to needed technology and resources, instructional tool usage and satisfaction, and experiences with synchronous and asynchronous instruction. A final report of results will be shared in early July.
With questions about this survey or to obtain additional data from institutional surveys, contact Laura MacBride, associate director of institutional research and analysis.