Questions about how the 2020 DNC will impact campus? Read these FAQs

As Milwaukee prepares to host the Democratic National Convention this July, the university’s Convention Steering Committee has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions web page, which is being updated regularly.

The Convention Steering Committee is also hosting regular information sessions for faculty, staff and students. Watch Marquette Today for updates.

Key takeaways for the campus community in preparation for an influx of visitors in July:

Classes the week of July 13
The Executive Leadership Team has asked all summer 2020 instructors to NOT hold their classes on campus during the week of July 13, 2020. Classes still need to have the level of engagement needed to maintain required contact hours, allow students to benefit fully from the class and provide a means for achieving the course learning outcomes. For this reason, instructors should plan alternate activities that will substitute for the regular class meeting time. These alternate activities can include online activities, student directed research, and independent reading or other alternative classes. All instructors will be asked to share plans with their chair in advance of summer terms. This applies to all classes, including EOP/FFP classes. Seth Zlotocha from the Office of the Registrar has contacted all individual departments and instructors to confirm what is being planned for their respective courses. Please review and respond to this email as soon as possible when it is received.

Net revenues from renting residence halls, university apartments and event spaces
President Lovell and his senior leadership team have determined that all net revenues from the convention will go to our greatest need – student scholarships. With that in mind, the Convention Steering Committee has been hard at work marketing our university residence halls, apartments and event spaces. At this point, our residence halls are fully booked, so we are making great progress.

Gift of Time
The summer Gift of Time will be held as scheduled, Monday, June 29, through Friday, July 3, 2020.

  • The School of Dentistry will operate during the Gift of Time and close during the week of the convention, due to concerns about patient access.
  • In the College of Health Sciences, the following programs will all hold classes during the week of the Gift of Time:
    • Physical Therapy Program
    • Physician Assistant Studies Program
    • Graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology
    • Biomedical Sciences Pre-Dental Post-Baccalaureate Program
    • The college’s Summer Research Program
  • The Speech and Hearing Clinic, Physical Therapy Clinic and Neurorecovery Clinic will all be open the week of the Gift of Time (except Friday for the 4th of July holiday observed) and closed during the week of the convention.

As always, some units, such as MUPD and Facilities Planning and Management, require some individuals to work during the Gift of Time to maintain campus operations.

Workforce planning
Deans and vice presidents are currently planning for the needs of their areas and their faculty and staff during the convention. All are mindful of maintaining university operations while reducing the impact of expected travel times to campus, alternate transit routes, etc. Flex hours, working from home or encouraging vacation are some of the options division leaders are considering. The university will remain operational throughout the week of the convention to best serve our campus community and our guests.

Parking on campus
Faculty, staff and students with parking permits will have parking on campus during this time, although some permit holders may be moved to other lots on campus. The university appreciates your understanding and flexibility if you are needed to park in an alternative lot.

Marquette University Child Care Center
The MUCCC will be open during the week of the convention. If there is a change in hours, families will be notified ahead of time.

Credentials for the Fiserv Forum
Marquette is not the entity responsible for giving out credentials. Credentials need to be requested via the DNC at If faculty are going to be interviewed at the Fiserv, the media outlet with which they are working will need to get them a credential.

Special security provisions during the weeks of July 6 and 13

  • All buildings except the AMU and the Law School will be secured with MUID access for the week before and week of the convention (An MUID won’t be needed to access the Law Schools’ front doors, but you will still have to use your MUID to get through the gates at the Law School). Protocols for visitors to Admissions and patients of our clinics are being developed.
  • Marquette faculty, staff and students will be required to display MUIDs during convention.
  • All outside individuals staying in university housing will be required to wear an identification lanyard and to provide a photo ID when entering and exiting residence halls.
  • MUPD has created an event management plan to minimize disruption from changes to traffic patterns and other security-related incidents.

Additional frequently asked questions are on Marquette’s 2020 convention website. With questions related to convention planning, contact Mary Czech-Mrochinski or Lynn Griffith, Convention Steering Committee co-chairs.