Mail Services during COVID-19: employees can still retrieve mail; departments can put mail on hold

Employees who wish to pick up their mail from the mail room can do so during this time.

Instructions for picking up mail:

  • The mail room is located in the Service Building on the First Floor.
  • When you arrive, call (414) 288-3066 and someone will let you in the front door.
    • If Mail Services knows who will be the designated employee from a department to regularly pick up mail, they can add door access to that person’s MUID.
  • Each day, all mail will be sorted by 8 a.m.
  • The mail room will remain open from 7 a.m. to noon for deliveries.
  • This same process can be followed for packages from UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc.

Departments should contact Mail Services at (414) 288-3066 to confirm whether they would like mail to be held during this time.