
  • ‘Harmony 4 Hope’ event highlights rare disease stories, Feb. 27

    The College of Health Sciences will host “Harmony 4 Hope: Rare Storytellers” on Thursday, Feb. 27, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the AMU, Room 163. Harmony 4 Hope unites and amplifies the voices of the 350 million people worldwide collectively impacted by 7,000 rare diseases. At this event, participants will have the opportunity…

  • Women and Men for and with Others: After the loss of her infant son, Dr. Callie Chiroff channels her love for him into helping others

    By Shelby Williamson, senior communication specialist in the Office of Marketing and Communication It has been almost two years since Dr. Callie Chiroff, clinical assistant professor of nursing, lost her infant son Theo to complications from a congenital heart defect. A lot has happened since that day in March 2018, but one of the things…

  • Writer Fight Club meeting is Feb. 26

    The Ott Memorial Writing Center will host a Writer Fight Club meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 6 p.m. in the Raynor Library Beaumier Suite.  Those interested in participating should contact Dr. Matthew Burchanoski. Please include what poet, musician, non-fiction writer, journalist, or playwright you plan to read.  

  • Humanities Research Colloquium is Feb. 26

    The Center for the Advancement of the Humanities will host the Humanities Research Colloquium on Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. in Marquette Hall 105. Dr. Angela Sorby, an English professor at Marquette, will present “Vikings in Nineteenth-Century American Poetry: Whiteness, Archaeology and the Deep Past.”   Light snacks and drinks will be provided.…

  • Black History Month Transcribe-a-thon is Feb. 25

    The Ott Memorial Writing Center and Raynor Memorial Libraries will host a “transcribe-a-thon” on Tuesday, Feb. 25, from noon to 3 p.m. on the second floor of Raynor. This event will bring Black history to digital life by transcribing the works of Anna Julia Cooper (1858-1964), a visionary Black feminist leader, educator, intellectual and activist.…

  • Ash Wednesday services will be offered across campus

    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is one of the most popular and important holy days in the liturgical calendar. Campus Ministry will sponsor the following Ash Wednesday services on Feb. 26.   Noon | Mass with Imposition of Ashes, Chapel of the Holy Family   3 p.m. | Ecumenical Service with the…

  • Give Marquette Day is Feb. 27; become an advocate

    Update | Thursday, Feb. 27: Give Marquette Day postponed to March 3 Feb. 19, 2020 Give Marquette Day is next Thursday, Feb. 27. During this 24-hour day of giving, alumni, parents, students and friends will come together to make a difference for students, faculty, staff and everything that makes up the Marquette experience. In honor…

  • Performance review timeline extended; feedback resources available for all employees

    The university encourages all leaders to take time to provide thoughtful feedback that helps employees improve their performance. 2019 Employee Engagement Survey results revealed that while employees value feedback, that feedback seems to vary based on the department/leader. Taking the time and effort to thoughtfully reflect on and discuss an employee’s performance demonstrates a manger’s…

  • MMAC to host ‘Urbano Conference’ at Marquette, March 10

    The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) will host “Urbano: A Hispanic Milwaukee Development Conference” on Tuesday, March 10, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the AMU.   As new development in Milwaukee gets closer to historically Hispanic neighborhoods, this event aims to bring the Hispanic community as part of setting the agenda to improve…

  • Reminder: Self-enrollment to close for Duo multi-factor authentication, March 2

    Office 365 online applications (Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc.) are blocked off campus if not registered and using Duo multi-factor authentication. This is applicable to only faculty and staff while off campus and when accessing via web browser.  Starting Monday, March 2, self-enrollment for off campus access will close. After March 2, requests should be directed to the IT Services Help Desk.   Enrollment…